This is one of the nicest things anyone has done for me and my family. Completely unsolicited, Alex Shub ’90, and friend since Ms Liebov’s kindergarten class, about 40 years ago, has decided to run the NYC marathon and raise money for the Arthritis Foundation in honor of my 10 year old daughter, Sadie (Father Jacob Pine ’90), who has had JRA since she was 18 months old. The Arthritis Foundation has been a wonderful source of information and support. This summer, Sadie attended sleep-away “arthritis camp” for one week at Lake Luzerne and had a blast. The arthritis foundation helps pay for these types of events for kids (and adults, too). if you can, please support Alex, or at least root him on in his insanity.
Click here to support Arthritis Foundation TCS NYC Marathon Alex Shub ’90