by huntera2 | Oct 6, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Who is Ripley?Ripley is my 8 year old golden retriever. He’s a dog. Canus Lupus Familiaris. But he’s much more than that. The cliche of a dog as “man’s best friend” is overused. So I won’t say that’s what he is. In fact,...
by huntera2 | Oct 4, 2016 | Alum Highlights
“You know, you spend months training, you push through the constant soreness, the pain, the waking up at dawn, the not hanging out with people because you have to go to sleep early so you can train, but, honestly, in the end, I can’t even tell you how rewarding...
by huntera2 | Oct 1, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Hi. My name is Lia! I love working outside, meeting new people and learning new skills. I’m about to graduate from SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and I’m looking beyond graduation – towards the next step of my career. For a long...
by huntera2 | Sep 29, 2016 | Alum Highlights
For any HCHS folks who will be in D.C. this fall, my next curatorial effort DISTRICT II opens September 29th at DCHistory – would love to meet fellow alums if you stop by!Following the evening opening reception on Thursday September 29, 2016, exhibition hours...
by huntera2 | Sep 20, 2016 | Alum Highlights
PLASCASSIER, France — When I hefted the rolling pin in my hand, I finally felt it: a thread of energy, a thrill of recognition. I knew I was standing in Julia Child’s kitchen, and I was about to put it to work. In August, having rented it from the current owners...
by huntera2 | Sep 20, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Lin-Manuel Miranda ’98 made Hamilton the most influential Broadway musical in ages and became a hero for his optimistic notion of a rich, diverse America. And he did it by following his gut, his dreams, and his vision—and never forgetting where he came from. For...