by huntera2 | Sep 17, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Journalist/Analysand Helen Epstein ’65 writes about Termination. She has just finished First Love: A Memoir of Dissociation and Reconnecting, the third book in a trilogy begun with Children of the Holocaust. For more information, see the HCHS Alum huntera2 | Sep 12, 2016 | Alum Highlights
A great article about David Coach Dave Crenshaw HCHS ’81 and his work…Terrific quote,” If I didn’t graduate from a girls high school, I would not be the man I am today.”by huntera2 | Sep 11, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Steve Eisenbach-Budner ’82, has created a fantastic gap year program called Tivnu, where young adults learn about Judaism and social justice while creating homes for those in need. He’s hosting an open house in NY on September 11. huntera2 | Sep 8, 2016 | Alum Highlights
With a little help from the team, comedian Steve Hofstetter went to Citi Field on a search for the biggest Mets fans. He then tested their knowledge of their beloved New York club. With huntera2 | Sep 5, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Lin-Manuel Miranda ’98 made an impromptu speech at the end of a performance of In the Heights in London last night.In the speech he paid tribute to the “incredible company” of the show. He also told surprised audience members that he had just huntera2 | Sep 3, 2016 | Alum Highlights
Michelle Kang (’02) was thrilled to reunite with Susie Lee (’02), Weiying Yu (’02), Nick Huang (’02), Irene Chung (’04) and Jer-Jou Cheng (1997-1999) at her wedding. Michelle and her new husband Nguyen Ha practice architecture in...