Jeannie SUK Gersen ’91 interviews Sarah Kovner ’91

Jeannie SUK Gersen '91, D.Phil and J.D., Professor of Law, Harvard Law school, will interview Sarah Kovner '91, Ph. D., Senior Research Scholar in the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies; Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, about her new book, Prisoners of the Empire coming out in September. A pathbreaking […]

2021 Women History Month celebration

This Monday, March 8, 2021, 7-8pm ET: 2021 Women History Month celebration. Sponsored by the Diversity Committee Dr. Khadijah Miller and Dr. Ernestine Duncan '79 will discuss their book chapter, "Negotiated Respectability, the Looking Glass Self and Mrs. Michelle Obama." The book, Michelle Obama and the FLOTUS Effect: Platform, Presence, and Agency explores the role of […]

Roundtable Series on Diversity-Enhancing Reforms

Thursday, March 18, 2021 6:30-8pm ET: Roundtable Series on Diversity-Enhancing Reforms Session 1: A review of admissions at HCHS and the status of admissions for the Class of 2027 In the last few decades, Black, Latinx, and low-income representation in the Hunter College High School student body has declined. Students are denied an excellent education […]