HCHS Honors and Awards Ceremony

Aug 20, 2024 | Recent Highlights

At the annual HCHS Honors and Awards event, select students were honored with prestigious Alumni scholarships, recognizing their exceptional achievements and contributions to the school community. HCHS Alumnae/i Association President Vivian Altman, had the privilege of presenting the awards to five outstanding senior students.

The awards included:

  • THOMAS HUNTER MEMORIAL AWARD: Presented since 1981 in honor of the school’s founder, this award recognizes students who best exemplify the ideals of Hunter College High School. This year’s recipient was Ajani Stella.
  • MILDRED BUSCH AWARD: Established in 1987 to honor a former administrator, this award is given to students who have shown significant personal development and made meaningful contributions to the school community. Vincent Chen and Emmett Bicker were the proud recipients of this award.
  • SHEILA GLICKSTEIN HAKNER AWARD: Named in honor of Sheila Glickstein Hakner, Class of 1955, and a lifelong educator, this award celebrates students dedicated to the service and education of others. Sumaitaah Alam was recognized for her commitment to this cause.
  • GEORGE C. RHEE MEMORIAL AWARD: Presented in memory of George C. Rhee, father of Elizabeth Rhee ’92 and David Rhee ’94, this award honors a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and a commitment to community service and social justice. Audrey O’Hair was the deserving recipient.
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