Student Supports Peers in Foster Care

by | Mar 31, 2021 | Brick Prison and Beyond, Giving Back

Sarah M. ’23 is the founder of Achillea Peer Tutoring, a program that provides tutoring support to students in foster care. Sarah brings the unique perspective of being in foster care herself as a Hunter student and, while a resident in a group home, was pulled out of school for several months in eighth grade. She benefitted from tutoring at Hunter and was inspired to increase educational opportunities for other adolescents in foster care.

Sarah formed a community of student tutors at HCHS who work one-on-one with tutees; over sixty Hunter students have signed up as volunteer tutors for her program. Due to COVID-19, all tutoring sessions are conducted virtually. Through Zoom, she is able to reach students across the country to make a difference in the learning trajectory of foster children. Learn more about her organization.

If you are interested in supporting this project, contact the HCHSAA.

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