The Consequences of Family Secrets

In These Ghosts Are Family (Simon & Schuster 2020), a debut novel by Maisy Card ’00, tells of the emotional entanglements that have arisen from a long-kept family secret. Central to the story are the decisions of a patriarch, whose actions have had a powerful...

A Grammy Award for Classical Music

Recording Engineer Barry Werger ’87 is among the 2020 Grammy award winners for Best Classical Compendium, The Poetry of Places. The album features works for solo piano, two, pianos, percussion, electronics, voice, and toy piano that have been inspired by exquisite...

Insights into Business Operations

Sari LEVINE Wilde ’97, Managing Vice President at global research and advisory firm Gartner, has written a ground-breaking book that identifies the working style of managers. In The Connector Manager: Why Some Leaders Build Exceptional Talent – and Others Don’t...

Tribute to a Jazz Legend

Pianist and composer Roberta Piket ’83 and her sextet performed a tribute concert honoring celebrated jazz pianist and NPR radio host Marian McPartland in December 2019. The show, held at Flushing Town Hall, was a return to the borough for the musician who was born in...

Preparing to Guide Your Parents through Life

The role of family caregiver is often lifelong and can change as we progress through the years. Attorney and social worker Jane WOLF Frances ’64, J.D., M.S.W. has written a book drawn upon her own experiences of caring for her parents as they aged in order to help...

Luke Melas-Kyriazi ’16 Named Rhodes Scholar

Luke Melas-Kyriazi ’16 is among thirty-two Americans named as Rhodes Scholars representing the United States in 2020. Melas-Kyriazi, currently a senior at Harvard pursuing a B.A. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Computer Science, was selected from an initial pool of over...